It is alarming to know that 6.1 percent of the suicides victims in the country are children below the age of 14 years. Every years, about 10,000 children die committing suicide.
Reasons for suicide range from
- family problems (21,7%),
- failure in exams (1.8%),
- love affair (3.2%),
- drug abuse (2.8%) among others.
These lives can be saved through intervention of professional counselling. issues such as interpersonal relationship management, goal achievement, addiction and others can be effectively managed through skill development. The onus is on us, these lives can be saved be and must be saved!
Increase in community awareness is the first step in addressing children’s’ psychological crisis in the country today. Parents, teachers, and all care givers and stake holders must be sensitized about children's 21st century realities and challenges.
Keeping this mind, H2H offers specialized programs at different levels for college management, professors and students. Growing up is a challenge! At H2H we believe a challenge need not be stressful. With this spirit we offer to the youth, our ‘Student Assistance Program’.
Students Assisstance Program (SAP) is a counseling and consultation service by professional mental health experts. Along with addressing the challenges of student with the appearance of globalization, at H2H we've sensitized our programs to accommodate and validate the traditional Indian values and child rearing practices which have stood the test of time.
Our team diligently endeavors at synergizing the cutting edge scientific discoveries of the west (which is where we find most scientific answers’ to our current issues) and the ocean of traditional Indian knowledge, grounded in spiritual wisdom.
SAP services for College and University
Youth today is dealing with the stress and pressures of our complex age of globalization. The influx of technology into our homes, savior-faire of the digital world and the tremendous pressures built through all forms of media overload the post millennial generation. H2H offers the youth between 16-24 years assistance which aims at prevention, early intervention and support. Our aim is to equip them with tools, information and support systems that will enable them to thrive in their crucial academic years.
Student Assistance Program (SAP) delivery process:
- On campus Face-to -face counseling support for students.
- Enrichment and capacity development training programs for junior college.
- Sensitization and enrichment training programs for support staff at all levels.
- 24/7 counseling helpline for students, professors and support staff.
Our Signature offering for Children between 12-16 years
Dealing with Emotions for Children
The programme is developed to provide children with structured opportunities to develop their emotional literacy and emotional well-being. The chidren are taught variety of techniques which can be applied across a broad range of contexts, enabling them to manage complex and uncomfortable feelings.
Our Signature offering for Youth between 16-24 years
Youth resonates with independence and freedom. Peer mentoring and support systems are best suited to address youth issues. In our signature program, we encourage senior students to design and run a peer mentorships platform and build a comprehensive student support system which equips them with:
- Communication skills
- Problem solving skills
- Empathy skills
- Stress management
- Interpersonal relationships skills
- Creative thinking
All workshops and trainings in this program are Arts Based Expressive therapies wherein students engage in a plethora of creative work along with learning valuable life’s lessons.

- We use a "Build-to-Suit" approach to design Students assistance programs that rest on a foundation of partnership.
- We engage with our customers — regardless of size or type — to understand business goals as well as regional and local priorities and structure the SAP programs that meet the needs and expectations of our clients.
- We have a 24/7 Helpline access to Master Counsellors for immediate support and/or assessment.
- We have the right mix of professionals to provide multi-lingual and culturally congruent program to all levels of your organization.
- We provide consultation to School leaders to manage people childrens, teachers and staff effectively for mental wellness.
- We uphold the Indian ethos ingrained in understating childhood, youth and education.