- Assisting a newly appointed leader to make a successful transition in to a key role
- Helping a valued executive with a specific performance problem to develop new skills and make necessary, often difficult, behavioural changes
- Assisting a high-potential employee to fast-track by developing his or her leadership skills in order to expedite their readiness for a more senior role
- Bringing renewed energy to longtime leaders so they can recommit to the tasks ahead
- how to work together effectively with Global Virtual Teams.
- Identifying competencies and creating motivational leadership development plans.
- Need for leaders to gain new perspectives on themselves and their situations?
Use the power of coaching for developing high performing individuals and teams.
Most successful leaders / managers today have a good intellectual understanding of the various management tools & skills required to lead an organization successfully. Therefore, the major leadership challenges for managers and executives today is NOT understanding the practice of leadership, BUT practicing their understanding of leadership.
Stakeholder Centered Coaching is a real time on the job process that is highly effective and time efficient. Accelerating leadership growth and effectiveness is about changing behaviours and creating new processes & habits while interacting with others (stakeholders) on the job. It is a highly effective, transparent, structured and time efficient process that works as follows :-
- Determine Leadership Growth Areas Important to the Leader and the Organization
- Leading Change Involving Stakeholders - The leader selects a handful of stakeholders mostly boss(es), direct reports and peers.
- Involve Stakeholders to Capture Feed forward Suggestions
- Stakeholder-Based Monthly Action Planning
- Change behavior and perception through execution on the job
- Perception is Reality: Measure Leadership Growth based on Stakeholders’ Perception.

The 3 Working Principles of SCC
H2H framework has 3 principles to take the leader from good to best.
- Place the attention and focus on your stakeholders
- Emphasize Feedforward
- Change behavior and perception in parallel

The 3 Transformational Values Of A Successful Leadership
MGSCC believes the leaders who transform themselves into even better leaders practice the following three values.
- Courage to ask others for a feedforward
- Humility to accept the opinion of others
- Discipline to change themselves

7 Steps to Coaching Success
This method is successful only when the leader is open to feedback and feedforward from the stakeholders and willing to bring a change based on the input. Thus the 7 steps to success start with the leader being vulnerable enough to
2. Listen to it with an open mind and not in a reactionary state
Our coaching intervention consistently has reported the following outcomes:
- Higher levels of engagement in people
- Measurable improvement in leadership behaviors
- Learning newer and better ways to communicate and to respond (specially to negativity)
- More productive team and personal relationships
- Honing the skillset to achieve the goals

- Our certified coaches use established and result oriented model of coaching. We engage with organisations committed to employees professional and carreer growth and support coaching for:
- Corporate Executives
- Identified leaders and high potential employees
- Employees undergoing career transition
- Individuals for Personal Growth
- We practice Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching methodology which guarantee results.